T2H Episode 11: Interview with Eric Johnson (Part Two)
Is Mormonism "Christian" in the same sense that biblically-based New Testament Christianity is "Christian"? Many members (including many leaders) of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints seem to think so.
Actually, the doctrines, beliefs and teachings of the LDS Church are very much at odds with biblical Christianity.
We saw this during our seven "fireside" discussions (available on YouTube or at our website, www.transition2hope.org). During those firesides, we walked through the main points of Eric Johnson's book, Introducing Christianity to Mormons: A Practical and Comparative Guide to What the Bible Teaches.
We had a chance to discuss this book with the author, Eric Johnson. The interview is in three parts, and is available on YouTube and on our website: www.transition2hope.org
Eric is a frequent podcaster at the "Viewpoint on Mormonism" podcast and radio show, available at www.mrm.org He has authored, co-authored or edited several other books on the subject of Mormonism (also available at www.mrm.org ... along with many informative articles).