Contact us. First Name Please share the reason you'd like to connect with us: * I am an LDS Church leader (e.g., Bishop, Relief Society President, Stake President, CES leader or teacher, Mission President or Branch President), and I'd like to have a very confidential conversation with Dr. Albert Spalding. I would like to ask a question about one of the Nutshell topics, in strict confidence. I have a question about the Bible and I'd like a team member to help me understand. I'd like advice or counseling to help with a situation. I'd like to offer a topic suggestion for a future Nutshell podcast. I have a question about an in-person Transition2Hope Bible study in the Detroit Metro area. I'd like to report a tech issue concerning the podcast, YouTube, Facebook stream or website. I have a question about my donation(s) to I'd like to offer the team encouragement or express a concern. I'd like to request Dr. Spalding for an interview, or to speak at a local Fireside or other event. Email * Message * Thank you! Follow us on Social Media!