T2H Fireside No. 2: The Bible - God's Special Revelation

When a Latter-day Saint's "shelf of questions" about Mormonism begins to sag or collapse, it's not unusual for the Saint to just throw out the Bible with the rest of troubling LDS scriptures.

Does there really need to be a tension between the claims and doctrines in the Book of Mormon, and Bible? Don't LDS scriptures agree with, or at least expand on, the revelations in the Bible?

And if there are differences, aren't those differences simply the result of translation and transmission errors in the Bible?

This podcast is Episode 2 of a series based on the book "Introducing Christianity to Mormons" by Eric Johnson. Dr. Albert Spalding leads a group discussion in which some amazing (and sometimes troubling) questions are addressed.

A.D. Spalding JD PhD

Ethicist, author, and encourager of those who are just trying to get it right.


T2H Fireside No. 3 - The New Testament: Trustworthy and Reliable


T2H Firesides No. 1: Introducing Christianity to Latter-day Saints (Series Intro)