T2H Episode 9: Adam and Eve, in a Nutshell (Part Two)
Why do humans often seem to have innate tendencies to be selfish, aggressive, or rebellious toward authority? On the other hand, why do humans often strive to be godly or godlike, often through religious systems like the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? The Bible answers these two (seemingly opposite) questions with a story. The story of Adam and Eve. Transition to Hope Episodes 8 and 9 unpack this story, and its relevance to faith (and faith crisis) today. Episode 8 (Adam and Eve in a Nutshell, Part One), explores the idea of the emergence of the human race and its broken relationship with God. Episode 9 (Adam and Eve in a Nutshell, Part Two) considers whether “the Fall” as described in Genesis 3 was an “upward” fall (enabling godlikeness) or a “downward” fall (ultimately requiring intervention and redemption by God). Along the way, these two episodes consider the extent to which discussions about timelines, genetics and genealogies (e.g., Mormon Stories Episode 1620) are red herrings that distract from the theological, philosophical, sociological and psychological significance of the story of Adam and Eve.